Support the Fitness Industry By Contacting Your MPP

Posted on / Updated on October 28, 2020 @ 1: 43 pm

By: Fitness Industry Council of Canada

TEMPLATE:Note: You can find your MPP HERE  Letter from Fitness/Gym Member<MPP NAME>, M.P.P.<RIDING/JURISDICTION> (ex. London North Centre)<MPP Office Address><City, Province Postal Code>Dear MPP <Surname>,I’d first like to thank you for all that you do to advocate for our community. I am writing to you today to bring attention to the fitness industry in <Ontario/Canada> and the hardships that businesses and operators in this industry are currently facing. I ask you to use your influence in the <Ontario/Federal> Government to obtain financial assistance for the fitness industry in this <province/country>.I am a proud member of <FITNESS CLUB/GYM>; one of millions of like-minded individuals across the country who is dedicated to improving their physical and mental health through exercise. Regular exercise is one of the most beneficial activities an individual can undertake to improve their health. Normally, the list of the benefits of exercise is wide and varied – including protection against stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and many other chronic diseases and conditions. However, right now, amidst a global pandemic, the focus is on fitness for mental health, and its proven benefits, which is protective against both depression and anxiety – two looming issues in the COVID-19 environment.<Add any personal information about the importance of your gym to you>The health benefits that the fitness industry provides for Canadians has an added benefit: it continuously and directly reduces the burden on local healthcare systems and indirectly relieves strain on other important social services, such as income and employment insurance and disability support programs.If the health of the fitness industry continues to suffer, the health of Canadians will suffer as a result, and this will prove to be detrimental to our society, and expensive for all levels of government. That is why we are asking you to tell Premier Ford, Minister Elliott, Minister McLeod and Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams that access to physical fitness opportunities and expert fitness advice is critical to the wellbeing of all Ontarians, and to work directly with members of the fitness industry to address concerns and develop solutions for operating safely during the pandemic. We are also requesting that the Province of Ontario allows gyms and fitness centres to reopen following the latest round of mandatory closures in accordance with strict provincial and local public health advice. Without your assistance and representation, I fear that our gyms will not be able to provide the same level of service, or perhaps any service, in the future. I thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.Sincerely,<Name>

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Fitness Industry Council of Canada

Fitness Industry Council of Canada (FIC) is the not-for-profit trade association that represents the voice of fitness facility operators across Canada.

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