Help FIC Lobby the Government for Rent Relief

Posted on April 01, 2020 @ 9: 00 am / Updated on August 12, 2020 @ 12: 35 am

By: Fitness Industry Council of Canada

The global pandemic has hit the fitness industry hard. With fitness facilities closing across Canada, the potential for massive closures and bankruptcies has become a huge issue. With limited to no income coming into facilities, the fitness industry needs urgent government assistance in order to survive.With rents due immediately, owners and operators of fitness facilities across Canada are encouraged to reach out to MPPs and MLAs to press for rent relief.When sending an email/letter to your MLA and MPP, please include the following information:Who you are,What you are writing about,How you feel,What you want done,A date by which you want to hear about what they are going to do, andYour name and address.Example:Dear Mr./Ms. [full name of MPP or MLA], MPP/MLA:I am the owner/operator of [name of club], which is a fitness facility in your constituency which caters to [number of members] members. Since March 17, 2020, our facility has been closed and unable to serve our members due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also had to lay-off [number of employees] employees during this time.As such, we have no income and are struggling with rent payment. This is the case for many facilities across the country. We are currently rallying together to plead for rent relief measures for fitness facilities. If we are unable to solve this rent crisis, our members and employees will not have a fitness facility to return to – to support their physical and mental health as we emerge from the pandemic.We need your help. I know you have many issues that you are dealing with; but, looking at the current state of the fitness industry, we now need your support more than ever. I would be happy to speak with you further to provide you with more information about this crisis in the industry.Yours sincerely,[your name and contact information]**Feel free to use this example and edit as necessary – the red text indicates areas to specify.**FIND YOUR MLA OR MPP:BC:  AB: ON: NT: NU:

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Fitness Industry Council of Canada

Fitness Industry Council of Canada (FIC) is the not-for-profit trade association that represents the voice of fitness facility operators across Canada.

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